Total number of results for Pyroglutamination are 553
as Fasta All
NPID | Sequence | Length | Organism | Family | Name | PMID | Peptide_REF |
NP00054 |
8 | Anax junius | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Anaim-AKH | 21070783#Gäde G, Simek P, Fescemyer HW#Adipokinetic hormones provide inference for the phylogeny of odonata#J Insect Physiol 2011 Jan;57(1):174-8 | |
NP00055 |
8 | Anopheles gambiae | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Anoga-HrTH hormone | 23439319#Mugumbate G, Jackson GE, van der Spoel D, Kövér KE, Szilágyi L#Anopheles gambiae, Anoga-HrTH hormone, free and bound structure--a nuclear magnetic resonance experiment#Peptides 2013 Mar;41:94-100 | |
NP00056 |
8 | Anoplotrupes stercorosus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Mem-CC | 2039445#Gäde G#A unique charged tyrosine-containing member of the adipokinetic hormone/red-pigment-concentrating hormone peptide family isolated and sequenced from two beetle species#Biochem J 1991 May 1;275 ( Pt 3):671-7 | |
NP00058 |
10 | Carausius morosus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Cam-HrTH-II | 1482345#Gäde G, Kellner R, Rinehart KL, Proefke ML#A tryptophan-substituted member of the AKH/RPCH family isolated from a stick insect corpus cardiacum#Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1992 Dec 30;189(3):1303-9 | |
NP00059 |
8 | Cerambycidae | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Pea-CAH-I | 10980303#Gäde G, Auerswald L#Flight substrates and their regulation by a member of the AKH/RPCH family of neuropeptides in Cerambycidae#J Insect Physiol 2000 Dec 1;46(12):1575-1584 | |
NP00060 |
8 | Coreidae | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Scg-AKH-II | 17070834#Gäde G, Auerswald L, Marco HG#Flight fuel and neuropeptidergic control of fuel mobilisation in the twig wilter, Holopterna alata (Hemiptera, Coreidae)#J Insect Physiol 2006 Nov-Dec;52(11-12):1171-81 | |
NP00061 |
8 | Drosophila melanogaster | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 2117437#Schaffer MH, Noyes BE, Slaughter CA, Thorne GC, Gaskell SJ#The fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster contains a novel charged adipokinetic-hormone-family peptide#Biochem J 1990 Jul 15;269(2):315-20 | |
NP00063 |
8 | Galloisiana yuasai | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 19857536#Gäde G, Simek P#A novel member of the adipokinetic peptide family in a "living fossil", the ice crawler Galloisiana yuasai, is the first identified neuropeptide from the order Grylloblattodea#Peptides 2010 Mar;31(3):372-6 | |
NP00064 |
10 | Helicoverpa zea | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | neuropeptide hormone | 3415690#Jaffe H, Raina AK, Riley CT, Fraser BA, Bird TG, Tseng CM, Zhang YS, Hayes DK#Isolation and primary structure of a neuropeptide hormone from Heliothis zea with hypertrehalosemic and adipokinetic activities#Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1988 Aug 30;155(1):344-50 | |
NP00065 |
8 | Leptinotarsa decemlineata | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Led-CC-I | 2576128#Gäde G, Kellner R#The metabolic neuropeptides of the corpus cardiacum from the potato beetle and the American cockroach are identical#Peptides 1989 Nov-Dec;10(6):1287-9 | |
NP00066 |
8 | Leptinotarsa decemlineata | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Led-CC-II | 2576128#Gäde G, Kellner R#The metabolic neuropeptides of the corpus cardiacum from the potato beetle and the American cockroach are identical#Peptides 1989 Nov-Dec;10(6):1287-9 | |
NP00068 |
10 | Melanoplus sanguinipes | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 9367843#Taub-Montemayor TE, Linse KD, Rankin MA#Isolation and characterization of Melanoplus sanguinipes adipokinetic hormone: a new member of the AKH/RPCH family#Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1997 Oct 29;239(3):763-8 | |
NP00069 |
8 | Melolontha melolontha | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Mem-CC | 2039445#Gäde G#A unique charged tyrosine-containing member of the adipokinetic hormone/red-pigment-concentrating hormone peptide family isolated and sequenced from two beetle species#Biochem J 1991 May 1;275 ( Pt 3):671-7 | |
NP00070 |
8 | Microhodotermes viator | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Microhodotermes viator corpus cardiacum peptide | 7479284#Liebrich W, Kellner R, Gäde G#Isolation and primary structures of neuropeptides of the AKH/RPCH family from various termite species#Peptides 1995;16(4):559-64 | |
NP00071 |
10 | NA | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Del-CC | 11289079#Nair MM, Jackson GE, Gäde G#Conformational study of insect adipokinetic hormones using NMR constrained molecular dynamics#J Comput Aided Mol Des 2001 Mar;15(3):259-70 | |
NP00072 |
10 | NA | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Magicicada species-adipokinetic hormone | 7550248#Raina A, Pannell L, Kochansky J, Jaffe H#Primary structure of a novel neuropeptide isolated from the corpora cardiaca of periodical cicadas having adipokinetic and hypertrehalosemic activities#Insect Biochem Mol Biol 1995 Sep;25(8):929-32 | |
NP00075 |
10 | Phymateus leprosus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 7480874#Gäde G, Kellner R#Isolation and primary structure of a novel adipokinetic peptide from the pyrgomorphid grasshopper, Phymateus leprosus#Regul Pept 1995 Jun 27;57(3):247-52 | |
NP00076 |
8 | Polyphaga aegyptiaca | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Poa-HrTH | 1505721#Gäde G, Kellner R#Primary structures of the hypertrehalosemic peptides from corpora cardiaca of the primitive cockroach Polyphaga aegyptiaca#Gen Comp Endocrinol 1992 Apr;86(1):119-27 | |
NP00077 |
8 | Polyphaga aegyptiaca | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Tem-HrTH | 1505721#Gäde G, Kellner R#Primary structures of the hypertrehalosemic peptides from corpora cardiaca of the primitive cockroach Polyphaga aegyptiaca#Gen Comp Endocrinol 1992 Apr;86(1):119-27 | |
NP00078 |
8 | Protophormia terraenovae | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Phormia terraenovae hypertrehalosaemic hormone | 2386478#Gäde G, Wilps H, Kellner R#Isolation and structure of a novel charged member of the red-pigment-concentrating hormone-adipokinetic hormone family of peptides isolated from the corpora cardiaca of the blowfly Phormia terraenovae (Diptera)#Biochem J 1990 Jul 15;269(2):309-13 | |
NP00079 |
8 | Pyrrhocoris apterus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 10802240#Kodrík D, Socha R, Simek P, Zemek R, Goldsworthy GJ#A new member of the AKH/RPCH family that stimulates locomotory activity in the firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera)#Insect Biochem Mol Biol 2000 Jun;30(6):489-98 | |
NP00080 |
8 | Pyrrhocoris apterus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Pea-CAH-II | 11836011#Kodrík D, Simek P, Lepsa L, Socha R#Identification of the cockroach neuropeptide Pea-CAH-II as a second adipokinetic hormone in the firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus#Peptides 2002 Mar;23(3):585-7 | |
NP00081 |
10 | Romalea microptera | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Ro I | 3226948#Gäde G, Hilbich C, Beyreuther K, Rinehart KL#Sequence analyses of two neuropeptides of the AKH/RPCH-family from the lubber grasshopper, Romalea microptera#Peptides 1988 Jul-Aug;9(4):681-8 | |
NP00082 |
8 | Romalea microptera | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Ro II | 3226948#Gäde G, Hilbich C, Beyreuther K, Rinehart KL#Sequence analyses of two neuropeptides of the AKH/RPCH-family from the lubber grasshopper, Romalea microptera#Peptides 1988 Jul-Aug;9(4):681-8 | |
NP00083 |
10 | Schistocerca gregaria | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 3063256#Isaac RE#Neuropeptide-degrading endopeptidase activity of locust (Schistocerca gregaria) synaptic membranes#Biochem J 1988 Nov 1;255(3):843-7 | |
NP00084 |
8 | Schistocerca gregaria | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone 2 | 1601107#O'Shea M, Rayne RC#Adipokinetic hormones: cell and molecular biology#Experientia 1992 May 15;48(5):430-8 Review | |
NP00087 |
8 | Acheta domesticus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 9367843#Taub-Montemayor TE, Linse KD, Rankin MA#Isolation and characterization of Melanoplus sanguinipes adipokinetic hormone: a new member of the AKH/RPCH family#Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1997 Oct 29;239(3):763-8 | |
NP00088 |
8 | Anabrus simplex | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone 2 | 9367843#Taub-Montemayor TE, Linse KD, Rankin MA#Isolation and characterization of Melanoplus sanguinipes adipokinetic hormone: a new member of the AKH/RPCH family#Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1997 Oct 29;239(3):763-8 | |
NP00089 |
8 | Anax imperator | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Anaim-AKH | 22885738#Gäde G, Marco HG#The adipokinetic hormone (AKH) of one of the most basal orders of Pterygota: structure and function of Ephemeroptera AKH#J Insect Physiol 2012 Nov;58(11):1390-6 | |
NP00090 |
8 | Anax imperator | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Anaim-AKH (1) | 15749116#Gäde G, Marco HG#The adipokinetic hormones of Odonata: a phylogenetic approach#J Insect Physiol 2005 Mar;51(3):333-41 | |
NP00091 |
8 | Anax junius | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Anaim-AKH | 21070783#Gäde G, Simek P, Fescemyer HW#Adipokinetic hormones provide inference for the phylogeny of odonata#J Insect Physiol 2011 Jan;57(1):174-8 | |
NP00092 |
8 | Callinectes sapidus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Red pigment-concentrating hormone | 21740068#Hui L, Cunningham R, Zhang Z, Cao W, Jia C, Li L#Discovery and characterization of the Crustacean hyperglycemic hormone precursor related peptides (CPRP) and orcokinin neuropeptides in the sinus glands of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus using multiple tandem mass spectrometry techniques#J Proteome Res 2011 Sep 2;10(9):4219-29 | |
NP00093 |
8 | Cancer borealis | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Red pigment-concentrating hormone | 18700782#Behrens HL, Chen R, Li L#Combining microdialysis, NanoLC-MS, and MALDI-TOF/TOF to detect neuropeptides secreted in the crab, Cancer borealis#Anal Chem 2008 Sep 15;80(18):6949-58 | |
NP00094 |
8 | Daphnia pulex | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Dappu-RPCH | 22885738#Gäde G, Marco HG#The adipokinetic hormone (AKH) of one of the most basal orders of Pterygota: structure and function of Ephemeroptera AKH#J Insect Physiol 2012 Nov;58(11):1390-6 | |
NP00095 |
8 | Delia radicum | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 20869420#Audsley N, Matthews HJ, Down RE, Weaver RJ#Neuropeptides associated with the central nervous system of the cabbage root fly, Delia radicum (L)#Peptides 2011 Mar;32(3):434-40 | |
NP00096 |
10 | Delia radicum | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | AKH-GK | 20869420#Audsley N, Matthews HJ, Down RE, Weaver RJ#Neuropeptides associated with the central nervous system of the cabbage root fly, Delia radicum (L)#Peptides 2011 Mar;32(3):434-40 | |
NP00097 |
10 | Drosophila melanogaster | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 16441518#Wegener C, Reinl T, Jänsch L, Predel R#Direct mass spectrometric peptide profiling and fragmentation of larval peptide hormone release sites in Drosophila melanogaster reveals tagma-specific peptide expression and differential processing#J Neurochem 2006 Mar;96(5):1362-74 | |
NP00098 |
8 | Ephemeroptera | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 22885738#Gäde G, Marco HG#The adipokinetic hormone (AKH) of one of the most basal orders of Pterygota: structure and function of Ephemeroptera AKH#J Insect Physiol 2012 Nov;58(11):1390-6 | |
NP00099 |
8 | Ephemeroptera | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Corpu-AKH | 22885738#Gäde G, Marco HG#The adipokinetic hormone (AKH) of one of the most basal orders of Pterygota: structure and function of Ephemeroptera AKH#J Insect Physiol 2012 Nov;58(11):1390-6 | |
NP00100 |
8 | Gryllus bimaculatus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 7673141#Lorenz MW, Kellner R, Hoffmann KH#A family of neuropeptides that inhibit juvenile hormone biosynthesis in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus#J Biol Chem 1995 Sep 8;270(36):21103-8 | |
NP00101 |
8 | Homarus americanus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Red pigment-concentrating hormone | 18304551#Ma M, Chen R, Sousa GL, Bors EK, Kwiatkowski MA, Goiney CC, Goy MF, Christie AE, Li L#Mass spectral characterization of peptide transmitters/hormones in the nervous system and neuroendocrine organs of the American lobster Homarus americanus#Gen Comp Endocrinol 2008 Apr 1;156(2):395-409 | |
NP00102 |
8 | Lethocerus indicus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Letin-AKH | 22885738#Gäde G, Marco HG#The adipokinetic hormone (AKH) of one of the most basal orders of Pterygota: structure and function of Ephemeroptera AKH#J Insect Physiol 2012 Nov;58(11):1390-6 | |
NP00103 |
8 | Libellula auripennis | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Libau-AKH | 22885738#Gäde G, Marco HG#The adipokinetic hormone (AKH) of one of the most basal orders of Pterygota: structure and function of Ephemeroptera AKH#J Insect Physiol 2012 Nov;58(11):1390-6 | |
NP00104 |
8 | Libellula luctuosa | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Libau-AKH | 21070783#Gäde G, Simek P, Fescemyer HW#Adipokinetic hormones provide inference for the phylogeny of odonata#J Insect Physiol 2011 Jan;57(1):174-8 | |
NP00105 |
8 | Libellula pulchella | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Libau-AKH | 21070783#Gäde G, Simek P, Fescemyer HW#Adipokinetic hormones provide inference for the phylogeny of odonata#J Insect Physiol 2011 Jan;57(1):174-8 | |
NP00106 |
8 | Litopenaeus vannamei | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Red pigment-concentrating hormone | 19852991#Ma M, Gard AL, Xiang F, Wang J, Davoodian N, Lenz PH, Malecha SR, Christie AE, Li L#Combining in silico transcriptome mining and biological mass spectrometry for neuropeptide discovery in the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei#Peptides 2010 Jan;31(1):27-43 | |
NP00107 |
8 | Lucilia cuprina | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 23280433#Rahman MM, Neupert S, Predel R#Neuropeptidomics of the Australian sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) and related Diptera#Peptides 2013 Mar;41:31-7 | |
NP00108 |
10 | Lucilia cuprina | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | AKH-GK | 23280433#Rahman MM, Neupert S, Predel R#Neuropeptidomics of the Australian sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) and related Diptera#Peptides 2013 Mar;41:31-7 | |
NP00109 |
11 | Lucilia cuprina | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | AKH-GKR | 23280433#Rahman MM, Neupert S, Predel R#Neuropeptidomics of the Australian sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) and related Diptera#Peptides 2013 Mar;41:31-7 | |
NP00110 |
9 | Manduca sexta | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 14599724#Audsley N, Weaver RJ#A comparison of the neuropeptides from the retrocerebral complex of adult male and female Manduca sexta using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry#Regul Pept 2003 Nov 15;116(1-3):127-37 | |
NP00111 |
10 | Melanoplus sanguinipes | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone 1 | 9367843#Taub-Montemayor TE, Linse KD, Rankin MA#Isolation and characterization of Melanoplus sanguinipes adipokinetic hormone: a new member of the AKH/RPCH family#Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1997 Oct 29;239(3):763-8 | |
NP00112 |
8 | Nezara viridula | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Red pigment-concentrating hormone | 18201800#Predel R, Russell WK, Russell DH, Lopez J, Esquivel J, Nachman RJ#Comparative peptidomics of four related hemipteran species: pyrokinins, myosuppressin, corazonin, adipokinetic hormone, sNPF, and periviscerokinins#Peptides 2008 Feb;29(2):162-7 | |
NP00113 |
8 | Pantala flavescens | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Libau-AKH | 21070783#Gäde G, Simek P, Fescemyer HW#Adipokinetic hormones provide inference for the phylogeny of odonata#J Insect Physiol 2011 Jan;57(1):174-8 | |
NP00114 |
8 | Periplaneta americana | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Peram-CAH-I | 22885738#Gäde G, Marco HG#The adipokinetic hormone (AKH) of one of the most basal orders of Pterygota: structure and function of Ephemeroptera AKH#J Insect Physiol 2012 Nov;58(11):1390-6 | |
NP00115 |
8 | Pseudagrion inconspicuum | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Psein-AKH (3) | 15749116#Gäde G, Marco HG#The adipokinetic hormones of Odonata: a phylogenetic approach#J Insect Physiol 2005 Mar;51(3):333-41 | |
NP00116 |
10 | Sarcophaga bullata | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Neb-AKH-GK | 15033466#Verleyen P, Huybrechts J, Sas F, Clynen E, Baggerman G, De Loof A, Schoofs L#Neuropeptidomics of the grey flesh fly, Neobellieria bullata#Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004 Apr 9;316(3):763-70 | |
NP00117 |
8 | Zophobas atratus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Tenmo-AKH | 21067424#Marciniak P, Audsley N, Kuczer M, Rosinski G#Identification of myotropic neuropeptides from the brain and corpus cardiacum-corpus allatum complex of the beetle, Zophobas atratus#J Insect Sci 2010;10:156 | |
NP00118 |
8 | Anoplotrupes stercorosus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 2039445#Gaede G.; #A unique charged tyrosine-containing member of the adipokinetic hormone/red-pigment-concentrating hormone peptide family isolated and sequenced from two beetle species.; #Biochem. J. 275:671-677(1991). | |
NP00119 |
10 | Aptera fusca | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00120 |
10 | Archimandrita tessellata | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00121 |
8 | Austrophasma gansbaaiense | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 22508719#Predel R., Neupert S., Huetteroth W., Kahnt J., Waidelich D., Roth S.; #Peptidomics-based phylogeny and biogeography of Mantophasmatodea (Hexapoda).; #Syst. Biol. 61:609-629(2012). | |
NP00122 |
8 | Austrophasma rawsonvillense | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 22508719#Predel R., Neupert S., Huetteroth W., Kahnt J., Waidelich D., Roth S.; #Peptidomics-based phylogeny and biogeography of Mantophasmatodea (Hexapoda).; #Syst. Biol. 61:609-629(2012). | |
NP00123 |
10 | Bantua robusta | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00124 |
10 | Blaberus craniifer | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00125 |
10 | Blaberus discoidalis | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic hormone | 3778476#Hayes T.K., Keeley L.L., Knight D.W.; #Insect hypertrehalosemic hormone: isolation and primary structure from Blaberus discoidalis cockroaches.; #Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 140:674-678(1986). | |
NP00127 |
51 | Blaberus discoidalis | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic prohormone | ||
NP00128 |
10 | Blaberus giganteus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00129 |
10 | Blaptica dubia | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00130 |
8 | Blatta lateralis | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00131 |
8 | Blatta orientalis | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor 1 | 2340112#Gaede G., Rinehart K.L. Jr.; #Primary structures of hypertrehalosaemic neuropeptides isolated from the corpora cardiaca of the cockroaches Leucophaea maderae, Gromphadorhina portentosa, Blattella germanica and Blatta orientalis and of the stick insect Extatosoma tiaratum assigned by tandem fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry.; #Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 371:345-354(1990).$19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00132 |
8 | Blatta orientalis | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor 2 | 2340112#Gaede G., Rinehart K.L. Jr.; #Primary structures of hypertrehalosaemic neuropeptides isolated from the corpora cardiaca of the cockroaches Leucophaea maderae, Gromphadorhina portentosa, Blattella germanica and Blatta orientalis and of the stick insect Extatosoma tiaratum assigned by tandem fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry.; #Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 371:345-354(1990). | |
NP00133 |
10 | Blattella germanica | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic hormone | 2340112#Gaede G., Rinehart K.L. Jr.; #Primary structures of hypertrehalosaemic neuropeptides isolated from the corpora cardiaca of the cockroaches Leucophaea maderae, Gromphadorhina portentosa, Blattella germanica and Blatta orientalis and of the stick insect Extatosoma tiaratum assigned by tandem fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry.; #Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 371:345-354(1990).$2080017#Veenstra J.A., Camps F.; #Structure of the hypertrehalosemic neuropeptide of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica.; #Neuropeptides 15:107-109(1990).$19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00134 |
10 | Blepharodera discoidalis | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00135 |
10 | Carausius morosus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor 2 | 3828078#Gaede G., Rinehart K.L. Jr.; #Primary structure of the hypertrehalosaemic factor II from the corpus cardiacum of the Indian stick insect, Carausius morosus, determined by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry.; #Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 368:67-75(1987). | |
NP00136 |
8 | Cryptocercus darwini | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00137 |
8 | Cryptocercus kyebangensis | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00138 |
8 | Delia radicum | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 20869420#Audsley N., Matthews H.J., Down R.E., Weaver R.J.; #Neuropeptides associated with the central nervous system of the cabbage root fly, Delia radicum (L).; #Peptides 32:434-440(2011).$22848525#Zoephel J., Reiher W., Rexer K.-H., Kahnt J., Wegener C.; #Peptidomics of the agriculturally damaging larval stage of the cabbage root fly Delia radicum (Diptera: Anthomyiidae).; #PLoS ONE 7:E41543-E41543(2012). | |
NP00139 |
8 | Deropeltis atra | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00140 |
8 | Deropeltis erythrocephala | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00141 |
8 | Deropeltis integerrima | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00142 |
10 | Diploptera punctata | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00143 |
8 | Drosophila melanogaster | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Adipokinetic hormone | 2117437#Schaffer M.H., Noyes B.E., Slaughter C.A., Thorne G.C., Gaskell S.J.; # The fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster contains a novel charged adipokinetic-hormone-family peptide.; # Biochem. J. 269:315-320(1990).$12171930#Baggerman G., Cerstiaens A., De Loof A., Schoofs L.; #Peptidomics of the larval Drosophila melanogaster central nervous system.; #J. Biol. Chem. 277:40368-40374(2002). | |
NP00144 |
10 | Elliptorhina sp. | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00145 |
8 | Ergaula capucina | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00146 |
10 | Eublaberus distanti | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00147 |
10 | Eublaberus posticus | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00148 |
10 | Eublaberus sp. | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00149 |
8 | Eurycotis floridana | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00150 |
10 | Extatosoma tiaratum | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic neuropeptide | 2340112#Gaede G., Rinehart K.L. Jr.; #Primary structures of hypertrehalosaemic neuropeptides isolated from the corpora cardiaca of the cockroaches Leucophaea maderae, Gromphadorhina portentosa, Blattella germanica and Blatta orientalis and of the stick insect Extatosoma tiaratum assigned by tandem fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry.; #Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler 371:345-354(1990). | |
NP00151 |
10 | Gromphadorhina grandidieri | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic factor | 19257902#Roth S., Fromm B., Gaede G., Predel R.; #A proteomic approach for studying insect phylogeny: CAPA peptides of ancient insect taxa (Dictyoptera, Blattoptera) as a test case.; #BMC Evol. Biol. 9:50-50(2009). | |
NP00152 |
10 | Gromphadorina portentosa | AKH/HRTH/RPCH | Hypertrehalosaemic hormone | 2340112#Gaede G., Rinehart K.L. Jr.; #Primar |