Status: job_finished

Job ID: T00024d3afda

RESULT OF ID:T00024d3afda



Predict Domain Boundary

Chain Name: example
Sequence Length: 285
Domain Number: 2
Domains: (1-167)(168-285)

Predicted Probability Scores


  • predicted domain boundary: the information of predicted domain boundary, which includes the protein name, length of sequence, the domain number and the domain boundary;
  • predicted probability score: this graph shows the probalitity that each residue belongs to the domain boundary; the cut-off for determining boundary is 0.61.
  • Reference

    1. Qiang Shi, Weiya Chen,Siqi Huang, Fanglin Jin, Yinghao Dong, Yan Wang, Zhidong Xue. DNN-Dom: predicting protein domain boundary from sequence alone by deep neural network. (submitted, Feb, 2019).