Welcome to NeuroPep 2.0
Neuropeptides play a variety of roles in many physiological processes and serve as potential therapeutics for the treatment of a wide range of disorders such as parkinsonism, Alzheimer’s, seizures and epilepsy, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disorders, pain and obstructive sleep apnea, etc. Actually, near 75% of peptide drugs which have already reached the market were developed based on different neuropeptides. NeuroPep 2.0 holds 11417 non-redundant neuropeptide entries originating from 924 organisms belonging to 81 neuropeptide families. We collected receptor information for each neuropeptide entry when available for the current version of NeuroPep. Alphafold2 and APPTEST were used to predict the 3D structure of neuropeptides and neuropeptide receptors without experiment structure. DeepNeuropePred and NeuroPred-PLM which are two different neuropeptide prediction tools developed by us recently were integrated into NeuroPep 2.0.

Substance P complexed with NK1R (2KS9)
Data summary

What's new(V2.0)?
Neuropeptide-receptor pair